Restoration of the legislative authority of Congress
Return to regular order in terms of the budget process
Conduct thorough and thoughtful oversight
Right-size (reduce) and refocus the government to fulfill its core functions
Congress must take back its constitutional authority as the legislative branch of government because for too long it has abdicated its responsibility and delegated far too much rule-making discretion and authority to the litany of agencies in the executive branch, which in turn opens the door for the intrusion of ideologically motivated policy-making determinations rather than effective limited governance. The oversight function is a critical way to shed light on the decision-making process and actions of unelected bureaucrats and to hold officials accountable, which has been admirably carried forward by leadership in the current House of Representatives. It should be augmented and expanded as a top priority when the next House convenes in 2025. While Congress is a co-equal branch of the federal government as the legislative body along with the other two branches - judiciary and executive, we must restore the proper dynamic that is foundational to our Republic: that we are an enduring Union with a Representative form of Government based upon the Consent of the Governed and corresponding principles of unalienable rights, rule of law, separation of powers, participatory engagement, minority protections, and federalism.
Right-sizing the federal bureaucracy will increase efficiency and reduce bloated redundancies across agencies and organizations. Focusing on the core functions of government will allow for the elimination of extraneous positions and roles through civil service reform legislation. As noted in regards to the Economy, Congress (both House and Senate) must return to regular order in terms of the budgetary process rather than suffer the spectacle that comes from every Continuing Resolution. We must rein in discretionary spending and make appropriate cuts to wasteful and unnecessary expenditures. Funding priorities include: military and defense, homeland security, and mandatory programs (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid).
There must be a return to the core mission and functions - implemented through the budgetary process as well as oversight function - to address the critical needs of our society among the respective federal agencies whether that be the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Veterans Affairs, Internal Revenue Service, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of the Interior, Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which have been co-opted and sidetracked by their misplaced focus and attention on irrelevant issues and non-essential activities ranging from Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to Global Climate Change ideologies.