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Pro-2nd Amendment


Born and raised in eastern North Carolina

Eagle Scout, Tidewater Council, Class of 1999

Member, McCuller’s Ruritan Club

Community Volunteer & Resident of Garner, NC

Trained Blue Hat (ministry team lead), Feeding, NC Baptists on Mission - Disaster Relief

Former Director of Global Partnerships, Office of Global Engagement, NC State University

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Born and raised in eastern North Carolina, I have lived my entire life in the Old North State.

From an early age, I remember my parents being incredible examples of integrity, hard work, faithfulness and generosity. This significantly impacted my life while demonstrating the importance of strong family bonds, Christian fellowship and service to others, and how we can dedicate ourselves to work together with friends and neighbors to build a vibrant, welcoming and productive community.


It is challenging to fully articulate the depth of my appreciation, sincere gratitude and the indebtedness owed to my mom and dad for their unconditional love, unwavering support and the values that they have instilled within me - shaping who I am today.


A distilled heritage from previous generations of farmers, mill workers, share croppers, military service members, entrepreneurs and educators, my family’s background parallels many an American story in the upward mobility of the rising middle-class.


Asa Christian, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life - as my personal Savior - who offers salvation to all who would believe and receive the sacrifice he made upon the cross and gaining new life through his resurrection. The significance of Christ’s teachings and insights from Scripture hold paramount importance in my life, which can be applied in our everyday lives and serve as a guide in every situation.


Some particularly noteworthy passages that provide strength and encouragement in my life include: Romans 8, I Corinthians 13, John 13:34-35, Psalm 1, Psalm 21, Proverbs 1:1-9 and Proverbs 6:16-19.


Asa Conservative, I believe in the primacy of God-given (natural) rights including liberty and freedoms for the individual vis-a-vis a restrained government having the consent of the governed, which provides an optimal opportunity for the advancement of the human endeavor.

Growing up on Roanoke Island, as a part of the Outer Banks, was a formative experience due to its uniquely historical setting, scenic natural beauty and thriving tourism, coastal fisheries and retail / service sector economy.


As the site of the first British colony in the Western Hemisphere sponsored by Sir Walter Raleigh during the time of Queen Elizabeth I on Roanoke Island and later with the dawning of the Age of Powered Flight in December 1903 at Kitty Hawk from the ingenuity of the Wright Bothers - I was fortunate to meet and interact with close family friends and neighbors who sparked my interest in history, politics, and international relations at a young age. The national seashore, natural resources, green spaces, waterways and fisheries provided a foundational understanding for the importance of intelligent environmental stewardship.


Volunteerism was another part of life growing up through church involvement, participating in civic organizations as well as community service. My educational background is just about as diversified as could be possible - I briefly attended private Christian school, enrolled in public elementary school, was homeschooled in 7th-8th grades and graduated from Manteo High School in 2000.


I enjoy spending time in the outdoors including camping, hiking and fishing. Participating in the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) as a youth, I attained the rank of Eagle Scout in the Tidewater Council - Class of 1999, and later while in college I volunteered as an assistant scoutmaster for a BSA troop in Buies Creek, NC.


Central North Carolina has been my home since the early 2000’s when I attended Campbell University (graduating in 2004) and then studied at North Carolina State University (graduating in 2006 with a non-thesis Master of International Studies degree).


Having the opportunity to study abroad in Ireland for a semester during that graduate program was a transformative experience and solidified my interests for pursuing globally oriented and intercultural work.


My career in international higher education for more than 15 years at NC State University began as a graduate student, thereafter focused on developing and managing university partnerships and eventually culminated with serving as Director of Global Partnerships in the Office of Global Engagement. The primary responsibilities involved partnership management and oversight, liaison and negotiation efforts as well as bringing together faculty and staff at NC State with counterparts from overseas partner universities to develop and implement academic exchanges, educational cooperation and research collaboration.


The efforts required a broad understanding about programs and personnel at the university as well as effective communication skills, and the ability to identify opportunities along with the resourcing needs to accomplish the various objectives of any given project or partnership.

Asa resident of Garner, NC for more than 15 years - I dedicated my time over the past couple of years to have a more tangible impact in the local community.


The missions-oriented and outreach-focused efforts of my church provided some opportunities. Additionally, connecting with dedicated people-oriented, caring friends and neighbors at the YMCA provided numerous ways to be engaged with programs such as the Food Hub, No Limits Initiative, Swim for Life among many others.


This involvement has revealed in more stark terms within the local context - and for the average individual and middle-class family - just how destructive and detrimental the impacts have been of the overreaching and intrusive policies of the largely unrestrained Biden administration and strengthening administrative state.


Being blessed with the opportunities and abilities to bring people together, to be a part of an effective team, to demonstrate leadership and simply take the time to acknowledge and celebrate the dignity and value of every human life has been tremendously rewarding.


Building upon this work locally and recognizing the critical need for the next generation of conservative leadership to stand up with confidence, conviction and courage, I am running to be your representative in Congress to advocate for, uphold and advance the values and principles held by the constituents in North Carolina’s 13th Congressional district while dedicating my efforts to legislative action that will be faithful to our Conservative convictions, restore the rightful place of government as one serving the people by the consent of the governed, and seeking corrective measures to hold unelected government bureaucrats accountable to “We the People.”


The patriotism and unquenchable love for the United States of America that the late, great, incomparable and iconic Rush Limbaugh demonstrated provides a tremendous example for how we must continually strive to advance this endeavor of restoring the values of this great nation while renewing the faith, freedoms and fortunes of our predecessors to ensure a better tomorrow for future generations.

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